Trademark & Patent Service in Russia & Worldwide since 1995.
Telephone in Moscow: +7 (495) 500-65-16, E-mail:
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AleksaMarkService, Ltd.

Office near Red Square

Address: Moscow, Nikolskaya st., 4/5

Telephone in Moscow: +7 (495) 500-65-16


If you have any questions and proposals, please contact on

We will offer you a variant of cooperation which is better approaches for the decision of your question.

However, we can guarantee that we will represent your interests, only after when you receive confirmation of our readiness to represent you.

The best method to begin our possible cooperation is the call to our firm, to the manager on intellectual property to Mr. Igor Kovalenko on phone in Moscow: +7 (495) 500-6516.

After that you become our client, and then we can communicate absolutely free.


Special Offer 1:

Trademark check (TM search) on base of the registered trade marks of the Russian Federation, including the international registration with indication of Russia. Drafting of the report from the patent attorney, based on the results of search, with prospects of registration and recommendations. Term - 1 day.
€50 ($75)!!!

Special Offer 2:

Preparing a material and filing an application for trademark registration in Russian Patent Office. Receipt of filing certificate and transfer certificate with the priority of the trademark to the customer. Period of performance - one day. Monitoring of the application and examination of the trademark. Support.
€300 ($400)!!!


AleksaMarkService, Ltd.
Address: Moscow, Nikolskaya st., 4/5
Phone/Fax in Moscow: +7 (495) 500-65-16